Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: You’re Not Alone

Miscarriages — loss of a pregnancy before the 20-week mark — occur for a variety of reasons and often before the mother even knows she’s pregnant. Up to 75% of all pregnancies end before they’ve been clinically recognized by a pregnancy test.
During this early stage of development, the embryo is very vulnerable, and can be harmed by alcohol, nicotine, and other toxins. Sometimes the cause is a physical problem with the fetus that would have made it impossible to live outside the womb.
Most women who’ve experienced a miscarriage go on to have perfectly healthy pregnancies and full-term deliveries. But when a second loss occurs, it’s time to find out why.
Our team of fertility specialists at IVFMD in Irving, Grapevine, and Arlington, Texas, offer clear and accurate information about recurrent pregnancy losses and advanced treatments to help you realize your dream of having a family.
Why did I have another miscarriage?
Your first miscarriage was devasting, but when it happens again, it raises the some serious questions about fertility. If you’re like many people, you may even start wondering if you’re to blame for the loss. Let us reassure you that it’s not your fault, and we can help you find the answers you need.
The most common causes of recurrent pregnancy loss are physical problems with your uterus or cervix and genetic or hormonal issues. Whichever is the culprit in your case, we can get to the bottom of it and treat the underlying cause so you can get and stay pregnant. Here are some of the most common causes.
Chromosome abnormalities
If one of the two parents has an abnormal chromosome that gets passed along to the embryo, it won’t survive. This happens when a piece of a chromosome breaks off and attaches to another chromosome — an event called translocation.
We run a test called a karyotype to test your chromosomes. If either you or your partner carry unbalanced chromosomes, you may need to work with a genetic counselor to understand your options.
If you opt for in vitro fertilization, we can perform a preimplantation genetic diagnosis as well as screen the embryos for translocated chromosomes and other defects.
Uterine fibroids
Uterine fibroids are benign tumors inside your uterus. Studies have shown that, while fibroids don’t cause infertility, they may cause complications during pregnancy, including restricted fetal growth, placental abruptions, and miscarriage.
Scar tissue
If you’ve had multiple uterine infections or surgical procedures, such as a Cesarean section or dilation and curettage (D & C), the scar tissue that resulted, called Asherman syndrome, may hinder the embryo’s ability to attach to the uterine wall. Surgery can typically resolve these issues.
Misshapen uterus
If you were born with a heart-shaped uterus, called a bicornuate uterus, it may increase your chances of a miscarriage. But a bicornuate uterus isn’t the only abnormality that can hinder your ability to maintain a pregnancy. Any irregularity in the size, shape, or structure — including a double uterus with a septum — of your uterus can interfere with pregnancy. Fortunately, most abnormalities can be remedied with surgery.
Hormonal imbalances
Imbalanced hormones lead to myriad health problems and can also affect your ability to get and stay pregnant.
The most common culprits are:
- Low thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
- Low progesterone
- Elevated prolactin
We can get your hormones back in balance and decrease your risk of another miscarriage.
Diabetes, characterized by the inability to process insulin, can affect your pregnancy. Women with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes are at greater risk for miscarriage. Even if you didn’t have diabetes prior to getting pregnant, you can develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy. We help you learn to monitor and control your blood sugar to keep you and your baby safe.
Autoimmune disorders
If you suffer from an autoimmune disorder, particularly systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), your body may mistake your fetus for a pathogen and mount an attack. In this case, we may refer you to a rheumatologist to get your condition under control before you try to get pregnant again.
Hope after recurrent pregnancy loss
If you’ve experienced multiple pregnancy losses, we understand your pain and frustration. But we want you to know that there’s bright hope in your future. Most causes of recurrent miscarriages are treatable, and you can expect to conceive and deliver a healthy baby.
If you’re experiencing infertility, we can help you navigate that as well. Our team specializes in making family dreams come true with a comprehensive list of services, treatments, and procedures based on the latest research and the most advanced technology.
To find out more about recurrent pregnancy loss and the best way to treat yours, schedule a consultation at any of our three Texas offices to meet with one of our experienced and caring physicians. Use our online booking tool or call us today.
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